So I just looked at the Feedjit at the bottom of my blog and low and behold, people are coming here. Who knew?? So I guess I should update all 3 of you about my previous Wordless Wednesday post. :)
I bought a house.
Do you remember when I posted about finally starting back to school after disobeying God for a long time?
Well, this is sorta like that.
I always wanted to wait to buy a house until I was married. That was my plan.
I knew for quite a while that God was speaking about me buying a house but I wasn't ready to hear it. Well, that is not true. I was not willing to hear it. It was not in my plan.
Then, a friend of mine, after many months of saying "No" decided to say "YES!" to something that God was asking of her. I saw an immediate change in her. She became a new person. It was a miracle! Previously she was too scared to trust. After putting her trust in God, she was amazed at how light and free she felt. Her heart changed.
That made an incredible impact on me. Incredible. After seeing that amazing miracle, it didn't take long for me to say YES to God about buying a house. I'm not gonna lie. My heart did not change as quickly or as dramatically as my friends did. At first I was obeying strictly for obedience sake. But as days turned into weeks, my heart began to change. I didn't even realize it was changing. My heart changed so much that by the time I was making an offer on the house I was very excited and praying that God would make it possible for me to buy it. Amazing, huh?
And now it is home.
My home.
And even bigger that that...I'm now at home in God's will. Well, you know, at least until He begins to strip away another layer of "my plan" and I have to make the choice to say "YES!" again. Hopefully, prayerfully, I will not take months and months to trust in His plan for my life. Hopefully next time I take a step into my destiny it will be with swift obedience.
Presence or Presents
2 months ago
Congrats on your home ~
Congrats! It is wonderful following God's plan for our life...his plans are always so much better than we could ever imagine.
You asked if I knew anything else about the terminally-ill children living at the Gladney homes...I don't. I wish I did, but Travis was telling me about them while we were visiting the gov't orphanages and then it starting hailing and we never got back on the topic.
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