1. I heart recycling. Seriously! I really get a kick out of it. I have been known to grab things out of my friends garbage cans with an excited, “This can be recycled!”
2. My niece Abigail likes to recycle too. I just found that out when I was recently visiting Grace, Abigail and Anna. Only Abigail’s definition of recycle is a little different than mine. “Oh, I could recycle this,” Abigail exclaimed holding up the bowl shaped piece of packaging from a new toy, “I could use this as a boat in the bathtub!” Umm, not so much dear…that belongs in the recycles bag. This was only one of Abigail’s great recycling ideas.
3. My family used to call me a “lotion-aholic.” I have very dry hands. I was constantly asking my mother for lotion as a child. I remember being tormented by my dry hands. And then I became a nurse. HA! Now I have very, VERY dry hands.
4. Even when I’m not working I wash my hands a lot. I think it has to do with having been to nursing school. My friends think I’m a little crazy. Actually, even Grace thought I was a little crazy when I was visiting her. I guess that rules out my “it’s a nurse thing” excuse.
5. In grade school while pretending to be a dental hygienist, I permanently scratched my front tooth with my protractor. Thankfully my coffee habit made it much less noticeable.
6. I have no fashion sense. Zip, zero. At work I wear hospital provided scrubs. At home I wear jeans and a t-shirt. Any time I have to dress up for a baby shower or wedding my outfit is previewed and OK’d by a friend. Sometimes my friends come over and pick something out of my closet for me to wear. Sometimes I send pictures on the phone. Either way they always make the decisions. And I’m SO thankful for that.
7. Yesterday I picked my outfit out all by myself. Oh, did I mention I had an important meeting yesterday? Why, yes I did. After a year of disobedience, and at the direction of the Lord, I’m going back to school. I’m not totally sure exactly where He is leading me but I know this next step and I know I’m ready to obey. God is a good God.
"…The LORD, the LORD God, compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in lovingkindness and truth; who keeps lovingkindness for thousands, who forgives iniquity, transgression and sin…” Ex. 34:6-7
I'll let you know more when I can! I'm very excited!
I don't know who to tag. Anybody have any fun announcements they want to share? Please consider yourself tagged!
Wow. I should have bought stock in lotion when I was 12. I would be rich right now- just off your lotion habit!
You could have put how you slept in a strange position... just an idea if you get tagged again!
I love the one about the scratched tooth. That completely sounds like something I might've done. I was constantly bending paperclips into "retainers" for myself! Anyway, I enjoyed reading your list! And thanks for your comment on my blog!
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