Friday, June 5, 2009

I was just thinking...

A year and a half ago I didn't know where Ethiopia was in Africa. I didn't know the capitol city or how long it takes to get there.

I'm changed.
I think about Ethiopia every day.
I read all the blogs I can find.
I stalk the list.

I know a couple that is leaving a week from tomorrow to pick up their adorable son.
I know two women that will go there this summer for a short term mission trip.

I know how to say thank you. (I had the most difficult time remembering it after Grace got home even though Abigail tried and tried to help me remember.)
I know the word for pretty and I hear Grace saying it to Anna in my head.
I know the word for come here and I remember the feeling of Anna running into my arms.

Ethiopia is a part of me now.

1 comment:

Tracy said...

Amazing how that happens, huh?

When we were beginning our adoption journey, I did a ton of blog reading, and suddenly, my heart caught fire to adopt from Ethiopia!