Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Reaching out

Awww, isn't she so cute!! First time in a shopping cart, reaching out to be picked up and held. Um, yeah. Anna does reach out to be picked up (or rescued from the cat (check out the video in this post), or to give hugs or to get raspberried) but this is not that.

I pulled out my phone to take a picture of Anna's first shopping trip and this is the reaction I got. This girl LOVES cell phones. She loves to hold them and pretend to "talk." She loves to push all the buttons. The pushing all the buttons part usually interferes with actually talking on the phone. Yesterday she hung up on me!! But one great day last week I was talking to her on the phone and she was listening and even began to do the motions to "The Wheels on the Bus" while I sang it. After the song was over Anna said, "Ney." (Amharic for "come") about heart breaking! I miss her so much! (sniff, sniff)

1 comment:

Faith said...

Oh my, look at that smile! You have one really cute little neice there Faith! Thanks for your comment on homeschooling, I agree with you and the whole truancy is/was a large reason why we began and continue to HS. Jonah is a fireman and has 4 days off each week and we didn't want to always be tied to a public schools time line and requirements. Besides the fact that I don't agree with PS at all, but that took time coming.
And Justus is walking very early. All my others didn't start until 14months(average is 12 months).