Friday, June 6, 2008

Rocking chairs and cuddly bears

Sometimes at work (I work nights as a nurse in the neonatal intensive care unit) it is really crazy. Sometimes there is 12 hours of work to do in 8 hours. Sometimes there is so much to do that I feel like I'm more behind at the end of my shift. Sometimes the emotional drain of my shift is overwhelming.
But sometimes...oh sometimes my friends...I have wonderful nights. Sometimes all is well with the NICU world. Sometimes I get to take care of what we call "feeder/growers" - babies who just need to get a little bigger before going home. Babies that I can dress and wash and feed and rock. (Of course we usually have the parents do all of this and my part is very small but...sometimes I'm it.) Sometimes that rare night of rocking and cuddling can make up for and get me through many crazy nights. The other night was one of those.
I rocked and rocked and rocked and cuddled and cuddled. I sat and watched the sun come up. I thanked God for my night and for the things He is showing me. I REALLY enjoyed it.
For those nights I am very grateful.

P.S. See that awesome wall of windows!

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