Monday, June 30, 2008

Messed up

You know your days and nights are messed up when you say, "Good morning!" to the security guard when you arrive at the hospital to start your night shift at 11 pm.

Usually I'm pretty good about adjusting my responses to people depending on their day. For example, in the morning when I am ending my shift and headed to bed I say "good night" to the other nurses who are leaving with me. I say "good morning" to those nurses, doctors and therapists who are just coming in to start their day. I usually have no problem with it.
Tonight was somehow different. I walked in with my "morning" coffee and didn't filter my response to the security guard. I immediately began to stumble over my words, "uh, I mean...Hi...uh, good evening....I mean...good day." It did make it better when he laughed at me and said, "No, you're right, it's my morning too. Good morning!"

BTW - What greeting is there for 11pm? Good morning, afternoon and evening all seem to work as a greeting. Good night...not so much. Do you have any ideas??

1 comment:

graceling said...

One of the nurses on my unit is a day/night rotator, so he always greets people (staff/visitors/patients) who are coming onto the unit with "Welcome!"

You could always try a "Hello there!" in the evening/night.